5th Ljudevit Jurak Symposium on Comparative Pathology


It is our great pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to this symposium 
Prof. dr. Mladen Belicza 
Head of Department of Clinical Pathology “Ljudevit Jurak” University Hospital “Sestre milosrdnice”, Zagreb, Vinogradska 29


Predsjednik (President): 

Dopredsjednik (Vicepresident): 

Tajnik (Secretary): 

Blagajnik (Treasurer): 
med.lab.ing. JASNA MATIĆ

Administrativni tajnik (Administrative secretary): 
Mrs. MARTA ZORIĆ (Tel: 041, 174-666 / 244, Fax: 041, 173-453)



Prof. Dr. ŽARKO DOLINAR (Switzerland)

Prof. Dr. MIRO MAKEK (Switzerland)


Prof. Dr. KAROLY LAPIS (Hungary)

Prof. Dr. MLADEN BELICZA (Croatia)

Prof. Dr. KRIŽAN ČULJAK (Croatia)

Prof. Dr. AHMED PIRKIĆ (Croatia)

Prof. Dr. DUŠAN FERLUGA (Slovenia)

Prof. Dr. TOMO MARTINČIĆ (Croatia)

Prof. Dr. LEON ŠENK (Slovenia)

Prof. Dr. ZVONKO KUSIĆ (Croatia)

Prof. Dr. DUBRAVKA ŠANTEL (Croatia)

Mjesto održavanja znanstvenog skupa / Location of the Symposium


Upute suradnicima

Za izlaganje referata (na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku) omogućena je projekcija standardnih dijapozitiva i grafoskop. Molimo učesnike da uredno složene dijapozitive u pauzama prije početka izlaganja predaju osobama koje će vršiti projekciju.

Kotizacija u protuvrijednosti 40 DM uplaćuje se neposredno prije početka Simpozija 9. 6. 1994. u uredu znanstvenog skupa u MUZEJU MIMARA, Zagreb, Trg F. Roosevelta 5 od 7 do 11 h. Sudionici skupa sami osiguravaju smještaj u Zagrebu.

Instructions for participants

The projection of slides and a graphoscope are available for the presentation.

The slides should be arranged and submitted to the assistants at the slide room before presentation.

A fee of 40 DM should be paid before the beginning of the symposium at the Symposium office in THE MUSEUM MIMARA, Roosevelt’s square 5, Zagreb, from 7 – 11 am, on June 9, 1994.

This Symposium is held as a part of the City of Zagreb 900th anniversary celebration, and 80th anniversary of the Department of Pathology at the »Sestre Milosrdnice« University Hospital Zagreb, and 75th Anniversary of Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb.



ČETVRTAK (Thursday) 09. 06. 1994.

9,00 Otvaranje skupa / Opening ceremony
9,15 M. BELICZA: 80 years of pathology in »Sestre Milosrdnice« University Hospital, Zagreb.
9,30 Memorijalno predavanje (Memorial lecture) 
Prof. Dr. FURIO SILVESTRI (Trieste): Morpholologic and histopathologic aspects of myocarditis: its links with various kinds of cariomyopathies.
10,15 Odmor (Coffee break)
Patološka morfologija humanih i animalnih bolesti 
Pathological morphology of human and animal diseases 
Predsjedatelji /Chairmen: K. Čuljak, A. Pirkić, D. Ferluga
10,45 N. PAVLETIĆ, R. BUSSANI (Trieste): Mechanical complications of myocardial infarction; An epidemiological and mor. phological study based on 16.695 consecutive autopsies.
11,00 B. ŠOŠTARIĆ (Zagreb): Endocardial Fibroelastosis of Young Siamese Cat.
11,10 A. MEŠTRIĆ, V. CIŠPER, M. BELICZA (Zagreb): Myocardial infarction as cause of death in autopsies.
11,20 R. SABOČANEC, K. ČULJAK, M. ŽURIĆ, S. TOPOLKO (Zagreb): Myocardiopathy as a cause of numerous death in pigs on weaning.
11,30 D. BALIČEVIĆ, A. PIRKIĆ, A. RELJIĆ, B. PIRKIĆ (Zagreb): Comparative analysis of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in hyperplasia, benign and malignant tumour of Leydig cells.
11,40 A. PIRKIĆ, G. GRUBIŠIĆ, B. TURKOVIĆ, B. RODE, M. MATKOVIĆ, B. PIRKIĆ (Zagreb): Detection of HPV genotypes in the placental tissue of pregnant women with genital warts using in situ hybridization method.
11,50 Ž. FERENČIĆ, A. PIRKIĆ, L. KALOGJERA, B. TURKOVIĆ, M. NIKŠIĆ (Zagreb): Demonstration of HPV genotypes by in situ hybridization in laryngeal papillomas of the second twin with evidence of maternal genital warts during pregnancy.
12,00 V. HLAVKA, J. PAVELIĆ (Zagreb): nm23-H1 protein in oligodendrogliomas.
12,10  D. BALIČEVIĆ, M. BELICZA, H. FIŠTER (Zagreb, Zurich): Numerical density of apoptotic bodies in hyperplasia and carcinoma of the prostate.
12,20  K. ŽARKOVIĆ, N. KORŠIĆ, V. PLAVŠIĆ, N. ŽARKOVIĆ, J. PALADINO, D. ROGLIĆ (Zagreb): Detection of human betachorionic gonadotropin in pituitary adenomas by immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase method.
12,30  F. BASSAN, L. BARTALETTO (Trieste): DNA flow cytometry on paraffin-embeded tissue of human tumours.
12,40  Rasprava i odmor (Discussion and lunch break)
Predsjedatelji Chairmen: N. Jonjić, J. Talan-Hranilović, R. Sabočanec 
15,00 M. MRČELA, A. PIRKIĆ, M. JUKIĆ-LAUŠIĆ, N. BELAJ (Osi jek): Endodermal sinus tumor associated with dermoid cyst (A case report).
15,10 Z. LIPEJ, B. ŠOŠTARIĆ (Zagreb): Rabbit pregnancy toxemia: Pathomorphological picture.
15,20  S. ĆURIĆ, B. SOŠTARIĆ, J. MADIĆ, D. HAJSIG, T. NAGLIĆ, M. BRATULIĆ (Zagreb): An outbreak of Salmonella related mare abortions: pathomorphological findings.
15,30  M. POPOVIĆ, D. FERLUGA (Ljubljana): Hypertensive encephalopathy mimicking brainstem tumour at MR in psychiatric patient.
15,40  D. BEDEK, M. KALOUSEK, J. TALAN-HRANILOVIĆ, J. HAT, S. LAMBAŠA, M. LOVRENČIĆ, L. NEGOVETIĆ, B. ARSENIĆ, G. ROIĆ (Zagreb): Cerebral ganglioglioma and gangliocytoma CT – neuropathological and clinical correlation.
15,50 M. KALOUSEK, F. AICHNER, G. BIRBAMER (Zagreb): Evaluation of the traumatic cerebral diseasa with MR.
16,00  L. PAŽANIN, D. ŠANTEL, M. BELICZA (Zagreb): Non-Hodgkin lymphomas of central nervous system.
16,10  V. CIŠPER, D. BALIČEVIĆ, A. RELJIĆ (Zagreb): Malignant Leydig cell tumor (A case report).
16,20 Rasprava i odmor /Discussion and break 40 min
17,00 P;. KRVAVICA, J. TALAN-HRANILOVIĆ, M. BELICZA (Zagreb): Expression of S-100 and NSE proteins in melanoma and nevocellular nevi cells.
17,10 J. TALAN-HRANILOVIĆ, V. ČAJKOVAC, T. GREGUREKNOVAK, S. PADOVAN (Zagreb): Frequency of skin cancer and other ultraviolet radiation provoked skin lesions of eyelid and periocular region in the period od 1981-1992.
17,20 Č. TOMASOVIĆ, D. BREZOVEČKI (Zagreb): Chronic appendicitis in biopsy material.
17,30 S. GAŠPAROV, S. KRIŽANAC (Zagreb): Neuroendokrini tumori pluća.
17,40 M. BRATULIĆ (Zagreb): Retrospection on organogenesis and histogenesis of tumours in domestic animals during 10 years period.
17,50 B. ŠOŠTARIĆ, Z. LIPEJ, Z. BIĐIN (Zagreb): Marble spleen Disease of Pheasant in Croatia.
18,00  M. KRSTULJA, G. ĐORĐEVIĆ, N. JONJIĆ (Rijeka): The proliferative activity in different histological types of basalioma evaluated by PC 10 antibody.
18,10 M. MRAVAK-STIPETIĆ, A. PIRKIĆ, A. CEKIĆ-ARAMBAŠIN, D. STIPETIĆ (Zagreb): Changes of histoenzymatic activity of the subepithelial mononuclear infiltrate in oral lichen ruber compared with clinical degrees of inflammation.
18,20  D. JANDRIĆ, M. BELICZA (Zagreb): Cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma in autopsies.
18,30 Rasprava (Discussion) 20 min

PETAK (Friday) 10. 06. 1994.

latrogena patologija i patologija okoliša 
latrogenic and environmental pathology 
Predsjedatelji (Chairmen): 8. Šoštarić, Ž Ferenčić, S. Ćurić
8,30  V. ŠVERKO, S. ĆURIĆ, M. RADAČIĆ, M. PAVLOVIĆ, M. RADAČIĆ (Zagreb): Kidney function after treatment with cisplatinum and/or nephroprotectors.
8,40  P. STANKOVIĆ, B. ŠOŠTARIĆ, J. PETEK (Zagreb): Causes of mortality in horses from a hyperimmune sera producing herd.
8,50  A. LAVRIĆ, L. ŠENK, M. NEMEC, G. LUKANC (Ljubljana): Results of the study on subchronic toxicity of the substance Lek 409.
9,00  T. ROTT, J. OREL, V. MAČEK, J. ERŽEN (Ljubljana): Unusual iatrogenic lesions of tracheobranchial tree.
9,10  D. BUNTAK-KOBLER, J. TALAN-HRANILOVIĆ, G. PRPIĆMEHIČIĆ, D. NAJŽAR-FLEGER, L. ŠUMAN (Zagreb): Toxicity of Ca(OH)2 endodontic sealers implanted in connective tissue, muscle cartilage and bone of the mice.
9,20 S. ČUŽIĆ, D. BOSNIĆ, M. ŠĆUKANEC, M. SENTIĆ (Zagreb): Renal pathohistological changes after administration of anti-thymocytic antibodies.
9,30 Rasprava (Discussion) 20 min
Eksperimentalna patologija 
Experimental pathology 
Predsjedatelji / Chairmen: R. Fuchs, Ž Grabarević, D. Baličević
9,50 V. KARAČIĆ, T. KARAČIĆ, R. SABOČANEC, K. ČULJAK (Zagreb): Eosinophilic encephalitis in acutely intoxicated pigs.
10,00  J. JAKIĆ-RAZUMOVIĆ (Zagreb): Organotypic skin cultures as an in vitro model for cutaneous graft-versus-host disease.
10,10  S. ĆURIĆ, N. VIJTUK, G. LACKOVIĆ, D. ŽUBČIĆ, I. VALPOTIĆ (Zagreb): Immunohistochemical localization of T cell subsets in gut-associated lymphoid tissues of pigs infected with F4ac+ LT- STa- STb- Escherichia coli strains.
10,20  Ž. GRABAREVIĆ, S. SEWERTH, M. BRATULIĆ (Zagreb): Histopathological changes in the organs of rats with hypertension.
10,30 B. ŠOŠTARIĆ (Zagreb): The Healing Study of Partially Ectomized Rabbit Radius.
10,40  M. SLIJEPČEVIĆ, V. PERINOVIĆ, D. ŠKELJO, M. POPOVIĆ M. ČETKOVIĆ-CVRLJE, M. POLJAK-BLAŽI, Đ. VRANEŠIĆ, M. HADŽIJA (Zagreb): Pancreas islets allograft survival: I. expression of MHC class II on isolated Langerhans islets.
10,50 M. HADŽIJA, J. SEMPLE, T. DELOVITCH, Ž. SUTLIĆ, I. ĐURINOVIĆ-BELLO, M. POLJAK-BLAŽI, Đ. VRANEŠIĆ, M. SLIJEPČEVIĆ (Zagreb): Pancreas islets allograft survival: II. effect of monoclonal antibody treatment of Langerhans islets.
11,00  M. POLJAK-BLAŽI, M. HADŽIJA, M. ČETKOVIĆ-CVRLJE, M. POPOVIĆ, M. SLIJEPČEVIĆ (Zagreb): Pancreas islets allograft survival: III. the role of antigen presenting cells (APC) in immunosuppression provoked by transfusion of UV-irradiated whole blood cells.
Rasprava (Dscussion) 30 min
Etički forum 
Ethical forum 
Sudska medicina: Profesija? Znanost? Politika? 
Forensic medicine: Profession? Science? Politics? 
Predsjedatelji Chairmen: M. Belicza, D. Strinović, D. Stubičan
11,30 Okrugli stol (Round table) 
A. DOLENC, M. KUBAT, D. STRINOVIĆ, D. MODLY (Zagreb, Ljubljana): DNA-analyses in forensic medicine and ethical problems.
12,30  Rasprava (Discussion) 30 min
13,00  M. MARCIKLIĆ, Z. KLAUS, B. DMITROVIĆ, M. MRČELA (Osijek): Seat belt and fatal injury.
13,10  Rasprava (Discussion) i odmor (lunch break)
Stanična i tkivna mikrobiologija 
Cellular and tissue microbiology 
Predsjedatelji /Chairmen: V. Presečki, L. Šenk, Š, Križanac
15,00  M. V. VUKADINOVIĆ (Zagreb): Helicobacter pylori causative agent of type B chronic gastritis.
15,10  Z. STILINOVIĆ (Zagreb): Hemoglobin and acid-base balance in dairy cows.
15,30 B. KAVČIĆ, B. TEPEŠ, E. KRALJ (Celje): A morphological follow-up study of disappearance of gastritis after eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic duodenal ulcerlong term prospective study.
15,40  E. KRALJ, B. KAVČIĆ, F. GRIL, B. TEPEŠ (Celje): Helicobacter pylori infection and its relation to pathologic changes of gastric mucosa in chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
15,50  P. JUNTES, L. ŠENK, M. POGAČNIK (Ljubljana): Immunohistochemical detection of Lysteria monocytogenes in the brains of cattle, sheep and goats.
16,00  Đ. VRANEŠIĆ, H. MAZIJA (Zagreb): Distribucija herpes virusa purana FC-126 u tkivima pilića primjenjenog postupkom raspršivanja.
16,10 Rasprava (Discussion) 20 min
Metode u patologiji 
Methods in pathology 
Predsjedatelji Chairmen: J. Matić, Ž Gumzej, J. Kajganić
16,30 D. FERLUGA, A. BREN, T. PERKOVIĆ, A. VIZJAK, A. HVALA, T. KOBENTER, V. JURČIĆ (Ljubljana): Light, immunofluorescence, immunocytochemical, and electron microscopical study of kidney and skin biopsies in a patient with mixed IgG-IgM cryoglobulinemia.
16,40 A. MEŠTRIĆ, J. MATIĆ, S. LAMBAŠA (Zagreb): The difference between standard and the frozen section method in the analysis of autopsy materials.
16,50  H. ČUPIĆ, Ž. GUMZEJ, D. BREZOVEČKI, M. BELICZA, J. MATIĆ (Zagreb): Value of AB/PAS stain in differential diagnosis of gastric carcinoma.
17,00  Ž. GUMZEJ, H. ČUPIĆ, D. BREZOVEČKI, M. BELICZA, R. HORVAT (Zagreb): Histochemical and immunohistological studies on premalignant and malignant gastric mucosa. (The distribution of mucosubstances, Carcinoembryonic antigen and Ulex europeus agglutinin).
17,10  M. KUBAT, S. MARKETIN (Zagreb): Identification of DNA in forensic medicine.
17,20  Ž. GUMZEJ, H. ČUPIĆ, J. MATIĆ (Zagreb): Warthin-Starry staining of Helicobacter pylori on gastric mucosa biopsy specimens.
17,30 D. BALIČEVIĆ, M. BELICZA, Z. ŠILEK-ŠARAN (Zagreb): Immunohistochemical demonstration of estrogen receptors in mammary carcinomas.
17,40  S. MANOJLOVIĆ, J. KAJGANIĆ: Osteonectin in osteogenic bone tumours; a potential diagnostic marker.
17,50  M. ŠKALIC, J. JAKIĆ-RAZUMOVIĆ: Methenamin silver tehnika za otkrivanje Pneumocystic carini i gljiva u histološkim rezovima, citološkim razmazima i razmazima bronho-alveolarne lavaže.
18,00 Rasprava /Discussion 20 min
18,30  Završetak rada skupa /Closing ceremony